Campaign analytics
Wonder how well your campaign is doing? Campaign analytics provide you with all of the information needed for determining campaign performance.
Last updated
Wonder how well your campaign is doing? Campaign analytics provide you with all of the information needed for determining campaign performance.
Last updated
Referring campaign analytics can be found on the Campaign page.
Campaign Name
No. of Recipients
The number of campaign message(s) sent.
The number of campaign message(s) read by the selected contact(s).
Open Rate
It is a percentage calculated by dividing "Read" by "No. of Recipients".
The date and time that the campaign was created.
Launch at
The campaign name that the user inserted during campaign creation. You may refer to .
The total number of contacts will receive the message in this campaign. You may refer to .
The type of channel(s) that is/are involved in this campaign. You may refer to .
The date and time that the campaign was scheduled or published. You may refer to .
You may refer to .