Importing new contacts
It is important to have new cilents and business partners for your business to continue thriving and flourishing.
All contacts messaging your connected social channel (WhatsApp only) will be automatically added to the contact list.
To begin, head to the Contacts page. Here you will see all of the contacts you have created before. Click "Import Contact" to add new contacts to the list.
Afterwards, you will be directed to the first step. You may choose to download the Excel file or the CSV file. If you do not have Microsoft Excel, you can also choose to download the CSV file.
The following is an example of opening the Excel file in Microsoft Excel. Insert the contact's first name, last name, phone number, and email in the boxes below the headings. Note that emails are optional.
After you have input the contacts to the file, save it and return to ChatMonster. Hit "Next" to upload the file.
You will be directed to the second step. Upload your completed file in the spaces provided after the system detects it as the correct format, and click "Next" to proceed.
You will then be directed to the third step. You should see the number of contacts detected by the system. You should also see the first contact's details from your contact list. This is to ensure you have the right file uploaded to ChatMonster. Click "Next" to proceed.
You may add tags to the newly imported contacts by clicking "+". Tags make it easier for you to identify a customer segment or group. An in-depth tutorial on adding tags can be seen by referring to Adding tags.
Click on "Import contacts without tags" if you do not wish to add tags to your contacts.
Ta-da! A success message will pop out after the successful import of contacts. Click "View all contacts" to complete the procedure. Check if your newly imported contacts are shown in the contacts list to confirm.
Last updated